Offspring after Lauvstuas Mascot Keehnu - born 15.06.2004

Dam: Mäkiharjuns Prima Palmira - "Pipsa"

Puppies born 15.06.04 (3 M + 3 F)

Mäkiharjun Spirit of Fox - "Timi"
Mäkiharjun Spirit of Passion - "Nemo"
Mäkiharjun Spirit of Truth - "Trolle"
Mäkiharjun Spirit of Fame - "Ringa"
Mäkiharjun Spirit of Future - "Thelma"
Mäkiharjun Spirit of Sky - "Siiri"

More information and photos on Mäkihärjun's homepage!


The puppies with foster mother Ringa
December 2005 - Trolle - Timi - Ringa and Mascot
